Manage your organization's expense policies

Learn about TravelBank's default Expense Policy, you can also create custom Expense Policies as well

Andrew Banta avatar
Written by Andrew Banta
Updated over a week ago

This article is part of the Commercial Rewards Card paid plan guide. You can navigate back to the guide with the previous link and take the next onboarding steps.

Use the default Expense Policy to set guidelines for your employees and take control of spend, you can adjust receipt and milage rates, as well as turn on or off One Step Approval.

In the lefthand sidebar:

Company Settings > Expenses > Expense Policy

Expense Policy

When you view the Default Expense Policy you can adjust the General Rules:

Receipt Requirement

Set the dollar amount at which receipts are required, while this is an open field we recommend setting it at 75 USD.

Milage Reimbursement Rate

  • Custom

  • IRS Rate*

One Step Approval

When enabled reports do not need manager approval before reimbursement is approved by finance, when applicable.

Corporate Card

When enabled, expenses are non-reimbursable.

Require Merging of Expense with Corporate Card Transaction

When this is enabled, users cannot submit corporate card expenses without merging them to the transaction synced to TravelBank.

Default Payment Method

Enable this if employees use a corporate credit card as their primary payment method for expenses.

Split Department Access

When enabled employees can assign expenses to any department, not just departments to which they are assigned in the employee directory.

Note: The IRS calculates this rate and it goes into effect on the first of the year, and is updated annually.

After you make your changes click the blue "Save" button in the righthand corner.

All of your active Expense Categories will appear in the Category Rules window. You can set rule per category:

Click "Set Rules" to the right of the expense category for which you'd like to setup rules. The rules options appear as follows:

Per Expense Limit

Enable to set a limit for the selected category.

Recurring Spend Limit

  • Daily

  • Weekly

  • Monthly

  • Yearly

  • Optional

  • Required

The Default Expense Policy applies to all employees, unless you have added them to another Expense Policy.

Similar to Travel Policies you can setup custom policies for special teams or groups, and select which employees the policy will apply.

Note: Employees can only be in one custom Expense Policy at a time. If you add an employee to another Expense Policy, the action will remove them from the former policy.

Once you've checked the boxes, click the blue "Finish" button in the lower righthand corner. You can also change an employee's Expense Policy from the Employee Directory.

Once you've selected the Expense Policy, choose "Save" to close the pop-up window. You can also change an employee's Travel Policy while in the Employee Directory as well.

Created 26May2021 16.44
Updated: 07Mar2023 10.51
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