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Complete an expense export

Learn how to export expenses to a .csv file

Anna Allen avatar
Written by Anna Allen
Updated over a week ago


This article explains how to complete an export of your corporate card expenses and personal/out-of-pocket expenses using the TravelBank platform.


This article applies to all TravelBank customers with a corporate card.


Unlike a transaction export, which only includes corporate card transactions, an expense export includes all of your corporate card and personal/out of pocket expenses.

Complete an expense export (TravelBank web app)

To complete an expense export, take the following steps:

  1. Open the TravelBank web app at

  2. From the TravelBank left navigation menu, select “Company Settings” > “Expenses” > “Expense Export” (Figure 1).

    Figure 1. Company settings, expenses page, with the expense export button outlined for emphasis

    Figure 1. Expenses settings page “Expense Export” button

  3. Use the Export Range section to refine the export range for your export.

  4. Use the Column Configurations section to further refine the information you want to include about each expense in your export.

  5. Once you’ve set up your expense data for your export, complete the export by selecting “Export” at the bottom of the page. This automatically downloads your export. (Note: If no expenses meet the range you set for the export, an error message appears [Figure 2.] Reset your filters to include a wider range of expenses, and try your export again.)

Figure 2. Expense Export Failed pop-up window error message saying: No expense reports were found for your specified range.

Figure 2. Expense Export Failed error message

Refine the export range for the export

In the Export Range section, you can select the date range, report status, and department of the expenses you would like to export. You can also set your export to only include reimbursable expenses.

To add a report status or department, select an option or options from each field’s dropdown options (Figure 3) and select “Save”. The default selection for the “Select Report Status” field is “All Report Statuses”, and the default selection for the “Department” field is “All Departments”. The “Department” field also includes a search bar at the top of the field.

Figure 3. Expense Export page with the Select Report Status range highlighted and showing the field’s dropdown options

Figure 3. Dropdown options for the “Select Report Status” range

To remove a report status or department (that is, to deselect a selection), uncheck the checkbox to the left of the option after you’ve selected it (Figure 4), and then select “Save”.

Figure 4: Expense Export page; the submitted and approved options in the Select Report Status range are currently selected. There is a checkbox to the left of the option, which is circled to show that unchecking the option removes it.

Figure 4. Unselecting the selected option for the “Select Report Status” range

To export only reimbursable expenses, turn the “Reimbursable Expenses Only” toggle to On (Figure 5).

Figure 5: Expense Export page; Reimbursable expenses only toggle turned to the on position. If turned on, the export will include only expenses where payment method is reimbursable/personal card.

Figure 5.Reimbursable Expenses Only” toggle

Configure the columns for the export

In the Column Configurations section, you can set how your expense data appears in your export. You can rearrange the columns, as well as rename them so they display how you want them to in your export. Custom expense fields are also available to be included in the export.

To include a column, check the column’s checkbox (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Expense Export page, Column Configurations section. A checkbox appears for each column configuration, and the boxes are checked and outlined for emphasis.

Figure 6. Select columns to include in expense export

The following columns are available for configuration, as well as any custom columns your organization has created. (Note: Columns with an asterisk are available only in expense exports, not transaction exports.)

  • Account/GL Codes (External Account ID)

  • Amount

  • Approved by Finance Date

  • Approved by Manager Date

  • Approved by Name*

  • Automation Field Required*

  • Billable

  • Corporate Card*

  • Created Date*

  • Currency Code*

  • Current Approver Name

  • Current Approver Email

  • Date*

  • Department

  • Department External ID*

  • Description

  • Distance Driven*

  • Distance Unit*

  • Employee ID*

  • Exchange Rate*

  • Expense Category

  • Expense Policy

  • Expense Report

  • Expense Report ID

  • FX Amount*

  • ID

  • Merchant

  • Paid Date*

  • Posted Date

  • Receipt

  • Reimbursable*

  • Reimbursement Date*

  • Report Comments

  • Report Status

  • Submitted Date

  • Synced Card last 4*

  • Transaction Reference ID

  • Trip

  • Trip ID

  • User*

  • User Email*

Frequently asked questions

Need help?

If you need help, contact the TravelBank support team:

  • From the website or mobile app: Open the left navigation menu and select “Chat with us”.

Publish date: September 11, 2020

Last update: July 16, 2024

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