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Book a flight, hotel, or car

Get moving, book travel and lodging accommodations

Andrew Banta avatar
Written by Andrew Banta
Updated over a week ago


This article explains how to book flights, hotels, and cars with TravelBank.


This article applies to all users with access to TravelBank travel management.

Get started

Start by confirming you have a card added to your account for payment, ensure the information is accurate, or add one now if you haven't done so already. If your company has a corporate card used for purchasing travel through TravelBank, you'll see that card on the Payment Methods tab, and also in the Payment Method pane on the checkout page.

Once you've done this now is a good time to update or complete your Traveler Information.

If you need to cancel your travel reservation, learn how to do so here.

Choose Travel in the sidebar to get started.

Book a flight

Once you've selected the airport you're flying from and to, and input the dates and the number of travelers, choose "Search Flights" (see Figure 1). If you have an unused travel credit, learn more about that here.

Flights page on the TravelBank web app, including Flying From, Flying To, and Travel Dates fields

Figure 1. TravelBank Flights page

If your company has a travel policy, you'll be advised of it (see Figure 2). A travel policy can affect both rates and days advance required to book travel without needing any additional manager approval.

Your Travel Policy pop-up window. The policy includes rules your company has set for travel, such as current flight average fare and advance booking requirements.

Figure 2. Travel policy pop-up window

In the Traveler Information section (see Figure 3), choose your traveler, or add one if you are booking on behalf of another. If your booking is outside of company policy, you'll see the reason above the request approval button.

Traveler Information section on the Review Itinerary and Book Flight page; the Request Flight Approval button is on the right, and the reason for being outside the policy is above the button

Figure 3. Traveler Information section

If you want to review or choose your seat, before you book your flight scroll down and review your seat selection options (see Figure 4).

Seat Selection section on the Review Itinerary and Book Flight page

Figure 4. Seat Selection section

Note: Seat selections are not guaranteed until booking is confirmed by your airline. Consult your airline as they may reserve the right to update your seat assignment as well.

If you have not added a payment method to your account, you'll be asked to do so prior to booking your flight (see Figure 5).

Add New Payment Method pop-up window, including sections for Credit Card Information and Billing Information

Figure 5. Add New Payment Method pop-up window

Book a hotel

Reserve a car

On the Cars tab (see Figure 10) input the pick-up and drop-off locations, as well as the pick-up and drop-off dates and times. You may also filter your results by rental car agency as well as car type.

TravelBank Cars page, including Pick-up Location and Drop-off Location fields

Figure 10. TravelBank Cars page

At the top of the listing you can refine your search to specific agencies and or car types (see Figure 11).

Refine your car search page with options to filter by rental car agency and car type

Figure 11. Refine your car search

In the Traveler Information field (see Figure 12), choose your traveler, and you can then reserve your car.

Car rental Traveler Information section on the Review Itinerary and Reserve Car page

Figure 12. Car rental Traveler Information section

Frequently asked questions

Need help?

If you need help, contact the TravelBank support team:

  • From the website or mobile app: Open the left navigation menu and select “Chat with us”.

Publish date: March 24, 2021

Last update: May 21, 2024

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