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Travel and rewards
Learn how to manage your travel with TravelBank
Book a flight, hotel, or carGet moving, book travel and lodging accommodations
View and use my flight creditsCheck to see whether you have any unused travel credits before you book your next trip
Cancel or modify my flightCancel or modify your flight through TravelBank
Book a hotel and manage your stayBook a hotel through TravelBank
Request travel approvalLearn how to request approval for travel plans in the TravelBank platform
Manage my traveler informationBefore you take your next trip, take some time to update your Traveler Profile
Corporate travel user guideLearn how to get started with corporate travel using TravelBank
Add a payment methodSave time, add a Payment Method before you book travel or lodging
Redeem rewardsLearn how to use the points you’ve earned with TravelBank
Managing travel admin guideLearn how to manage your employees and travel policies.
Travel deployment best practicesLearn how to facilitate a smooth deployment of your new TravelBank travel booking platform
Approve travel requestsLearn how to approve travel requests in the TravelBank platform
Book on behalf of anotherBook travel for anyone on your team
Turn rewards on or off and adjust reward ratesAdjust rewards rates, or turn rewards off
Create and manage travel custom fieldsSet up custom travel fields
Set the default card for travelSet a corporate card as the default card for travel for your organization