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Cancel or modify my flight

Cancel or modify your flight through TravelBank

Anna Allen avatar
Written by Anna Allen
Updated over 2 months ago


This article describes how to make changes to a flight reservation, including canceling and modifying your flight. For information about flight modification options and limitations, see “Flight modifications FAQ.”


This article is directed toward all TravelBank users, including end users and travel and finance administrators.

Modify your flight reservation

Once you have booked a flight, take the following steps to modify your reservation.

Modify your flight from the web

  1. From your TravelBank account home page, select “Travel” in the left navigation menu.

  2. Scroll down to the Trips section of the page > “Upcoming” tab.

  3. Select “Modify” for the trip you’d like to make changes to (see Figure 1). This directs you to a page with an overview of your trip.

    Trips section, Upcoming tab, on the Travel page; Modify button is outlined for emphasis

    Figure 1. Modify button in the Trips section

  4. Select “Change Flight” at the top of the screen.

  5. In the “Flights to Change” section, select the flight or flights you’d like to modify by checking the flight’s corresponding checkbox.

  6. For each flight, you can change the destination you’re flying from, the destination you’re flying to, and the flight date.

    • To change the destination you’re flying from: Select the “Flying From” field and select a destination from the suggestions, or type in another airport name and select it.

    • To change the destination you’re flying to: Select the “Flying To” field and select a destination from the suggestions, or type in another airport name and select it.

    • To change the flight date: Select the date field. (Note that the name of this field varies slightly for different types of flights: “Travel Dates” for round-trip flights, “Departure Date” for changing a single flight/leg of a round-trip flight, and “Travel Date” for one-way flights.) Select the desired dates from the dropdown calendar.

  7. Once you have changed the flight destinations or date, or both, select “Search Flights”. This brings up a “Select New Flight” page.

  8. For each leg of the trip, as applicable, choose a new flight by selecting a flight price (see Figure 2). When you select a new flight, you can also choose a new seat by selecting “View Seats” (see Figure 2). Note that the seat you selected for your original flight does not move over to the new booking.

    Change-flight screen; flight options with the selected flight’s price outlined for emphasis, as well as the view seats button

    Figure 2. Choose a new flight by selecting a flight price; “View Seats” button

  9. Select “Select Flight.” This brings up a “Confirm Booking Details” page.

    • Note that your passenger information does not change, so you do not need to take action in the “Traveler Information” section.

    • To change your payment method, select “Edit” in the “Payment Method” section.

  10. Review the “Total for Flight Changes” section to see any price changes for your flight modifications.

  11. When you’re ready to confirm your changes, check the checkbox at the bottom of the “Total for Flight Changes” section and then select “Book Flight”.

  12. A Flight Reservation Confirmation page appears, and TravelBank sends an email notification with the new reservation details.

You can now manage your new reservation as needed by retaking these steps.

Modify your flight from the mobile app

  1. From your TravelBank mobile home page, select “Travel” at the bottom-right of your screen, or select the hamburger menu at the top-left and then “Travel” (see Figure 3).

    The two options for getting to the travel page are outlined: the travel icon in the bottom-right corner, and the hamburger icon at the top-left corner

    Figure 3. Select Travel from the mobile app

  2. Select “Trips”.

  3. Select “Modify” for the trip you’d like to make changes to (see Figure 4). This directs you to a page with an overview of your trip.

    Trips section, Upcoming tab, on the Travel page; Modify button is outlined for emphasis

    Figure 4. Modify button in the Trips section

  4. This brings up a Modify Trip pop-up window with options to Change Flight, Live Chat, or Call an Agent (see Figure 5). Select “Change Flight”.

    Modify Trip pop-up window with options to change flight, live chat, call an agent, or close the window

    Figure 5. Modify Trip options

  5. In the “Select the Flight(s) You Want to Modify” section, select the flight or flights you’d like to modify by checking the flight’s corresponding checkbox (see Figure 6).

    Change flight screen with two flight options with a checkbox to the left of each

    Figure 6. Select the flights you want to modify

  6. For each flight, you can change the destination you’re flying from, the destination you’re flying to, and the flight date (see Figure 7).

    Change flight screen with from, to, travel dates, and fare class fields; There is also an information box at the bottom of the page informing you that you must use the same airline you originally booked with. If you want to switch airlines, cancel and rebook as needed.

    Figure 7. Change Flight screen with information box

    • To change the destination you’re flying from: Select the “From” field and select a destination from the suggestions, or type in another airport name and select it.

    • To change the destination you’re flying to: Select the “To” field and select a destination from the suggestions, or type in another airport name and select it.

    • To change the flight date: Select the date field. (Note that the name of this field varies slightly for different types of flights: “Travel Dates” for round-trip flights, “Departure Date” for changing a single flight/leg of a round-trip flight, and “Travel Date” for one-way flights.) Select the desired dates from the dropdown calendar.

  7. Once you have changed the flight destinations or date, or both, select “Search Flights”. This brings up a page where you can select a new flight (see Figure 8).

    Example of how flight options appear when you modify your flight; the existing booking information is at the top of the screen and the available options are listed below that

    Figure 8. Example new flight options page

  8. For each leg of the trip, as applicable, choose a new flight by selecting a flight price.

  9. Select “Select” This brings up a “Checkout” page (see Figure 9). Note that your passenger information does not change, so you do not need to take action in the Traveler Info section.

    Modify flight Checkout screen, including the trip total and update flight booking button at the bottom of the screen

    Figure 9. Modify flight Checkout screen

  10. To change your payment method, select “Edit” in the “Payment Method” section.

  11. Review the “Trip Total” at the bottom of your screen to see the total for your new flight(s).

  12. When you’re ready to confirm your changes, select “Update Flight Booking”. A Flight Reservation Confirmation page appears, and TravelBank sends an email notification with the new reservation details. You can now manage your new reservation as needed by retaking these steps.

Cancel your flight reservation

Cancel your flight from the web

  1. From your TravelBank account home page, select “Travel” in the left navigation menu.

  2. Scroll down to the Trips section of the page > “Upcoming” tab.

  3. Select “Cancel” for the trip you’d like to cancel (see Figure 10).

Figure 10. Upcoming Trips tab, Cancel option outlined for emphasis at the bottom-right corner

Figure 10. Upcoming Trips tab, Cancel option for a flight

Cancel your flight from the mobile app

  1. From your TravelBank mobile home page, select “Travel” at the bottom-right of your screen, or select the hamburger menu at the top-left and then “Travel”.

  2. Select “Trips”.

  3. Select “Cancel” for the trip you’d like to cancel (see Figure 11).

    Figure 11. Upcoming Trips tab, Cancel option outlined for emphasis at the bottom-right corner

    Figure 11. Upcoming Trips tab, Cancel option for a flight

  4. Confirm your cancellation.

  5. Review the information the app provides about any timeframes or refunds.

Frequently asked questions

Need help?

If you need help, contact the TravelBank support team:

  • From the website or mobile app: Open the left navigation menu and select “Chat with us”.

Publish date: December 19, 2023

Last update: May 31, 2024

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