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Learn about TravelBank user roles and permissions

Learn about the different user roles in the Employee Directory, and how they affect travel and expense policies

Anna Allen avatar
Written by Anna Allen
Updated over 9 months ago


This article describes the different roles users can have on the TravelBank platform and how those roles affect travel and expense policies.


This article is directed toward administrators (admins) with a paid TravelBank expense and travel management account. Note that TravelBank user roles and permissions are different from Commercial Rewards Card user roles and permissions.

View and manage user roles and permissions

To view and manage your organization’s user roles and permissions, go to the employee directory:

Select “Company Settings” from the TravelBank left navigation menu > “Employees” > “Employee Directory”.

The following Table 1 lists the various user roles and the advanced permissions associated with each role.

Table 1. User roles and permissions


Advanced permissions




  • Approve travel requests*

  • Approve expense reports, depending on expense policy approval rules


  • Approve expense reports (often provides final approval of expense reports)

  • Approve reimbursements, depending on company settings


  • Add and remove users and departments

  • Set manager and other users’ permission levels, including permission levels of delegates

    • If an admin grants a delegate access to approve travel and expenses, the admin can additionally specify whether they want the delegate to be able to approve the delegate’s own requests. (This is relevant if a manager appoints one of their employees as the manager’s delegate. In this case, a delegate could approve the delegate’s own request, if allowed.)

  • Set travel and expense policies

  • Log in to their hosts’ profiles to help book travel or complete expenses on the TravelBank web platform

  • Perform other tasks, including the following, for the hosts to which they are assigned:

    • Create expenses

    • Submit expense reports

    • View and approve approval requests for travel and expenses, including their own requests, if allowed

*The typical flow for travel approval is that requests that are outside of the company's travel policy must be approved by the traveling employee's manager, unless the employee is not assigned a manager, or if the manager has not yet activated their account. In those cases, the travel requests are sent to all active admins.

Mark a finance approver as approver for entire organization

To give a finance approver the permission to approve for the entire organization, take the following steps (you can also review our article on adding and editing employees for more information):

  1. To make changes to an existing employee record, locate the employee record you want to change, then select the blue pencil icon at the far-right of the row (see Figure 1). This brings up a pop-up window with several fields of information related to the employee (see Figure 2).

    Figure 1. The blue pencil icon, outlined for emphasis, located at the far-right of each row/employee record

    Figure 1. Edit icon to make changes to an existing employee record

    Figure 2. Edit Employee pop-up window

    Figure 2. Edit Employee pop-up window

  2. Select the “Advanced Permissions” field.

  3. Select “Finance” from the dropdown checklist.

  4. When you select “Finance”, a “Finance Approver for Entire Organization” checkbox appears (see Figure 3). Check the checkbox.

    Figure 3. Edit Employee pop-up window with the “Finance Approver for Entire Organization” checkbox outlined for emphasis

    Figure 3. “Finance Approver for Entire Organization” checkbox

  5. Select “Save” to save your changes.

Need help?

If you need help, contact the TravelBank support team:

  • From the website or mobile app: Open the left navigation menu and select “Chat with us”.

Publish date: February 22, 2023

Last update: April 20, 2024

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