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Manage my traveler information

Before you take your next trip, take some time to update your Traveler Profile

Andrew Banta avatar
Written by Andrew Banta
Updated over 2 months ago


This article explains how to add and edit your traveler information in TravelBank.


This article applies to all TravelBank users.


It's helpful to keep your traveler information current. If your passport number has changed, or if you need to add a global entry number, you can ensure that your next booking has all of the latest information. Add your loyalty numbers for added benefits, when applicable.

Add or edit your traveler information

To add your Traveler Information, choose "My Account" and then under the "Traveler Profile" tab choose "Add" to create your Traveler, or edit if you need to modify any information, such as your passport number, or global entry (see Figure 1). Ensure that your traveler information reflects the identification you use during your travel. If you need to add any Payment Methods click here.

My Account page, Traveler Information tab with an Add button for users to add their travel information

Figure 1. My Account page, Traveler Profile

On this tab you can click "edit" and input your Known Traveler Number for TSA pre-check, or Global Entry (see Figure 2). Additionally, if you're going to be traveling internationally you input your passport information here as well.

Add Traveler Information pop-up window, including fields for known traveler number and passport information

Figure 2. Add Traveler Information pop-up window

Add loyalty program numbers

After you add your Traveler Information, at the bottom of the page input any of your loyalty programs. The left tab is for airline programs, clicking on "Hotel Loyalty Programs" switches you to that program's tab.

Clicking "edit" next to the programs allows you to make changes, if you need to correct a selection or update the reward number. From the edit menu you can also choose "remove" if you no longer user that program (see Figure 3).

Update Airline Loyalty Program, which appears when a user selects Edit to the right of their loyalty program number

Figure 3. Update Airline Loyalty Program pop-up window

Note: If your company has a loyalty code for car rental agencies, you cannot use your loyalty number in addition to their loyalty code. If they have a company code you will see the following message along with a note next to the applicable loyalty program (see Figure 4): "Admin has a company wide loyalty code for this car rental company, therefore you cannot use your personal code."

Company loyalty code vs personal loyalty code informational message

Figure 4. Loyalty program informational message

Please be advised when booking hotels in our app, if you see the “Hotel Loyalty Rewards” indicator on the room details, it means you may add your loyalty membership number. Otherwise, the majority of the pre-paid contract room rates do not honor the rewards program.

You may still try and submit your loyalty number upon check in, however, there is no guarantee that they will reward your points. You may still try and submit your loyalty number upon check in, however, there is no guarantee that they will reward your points.

Frequently asked questions

Need help?

If you need help, contact the TravelBank support team:

  • From the website or mobile app: Open the left navigation menu and select “Chat with us”.

Publish date: September 28, 2020

Last update: May 30, 2024

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