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Expenses: Multi-Stop Mileage

You can now accurately track your trips, even when they include multiple destinations.

Andrew Banta avatar
Written by Andrew Banta
Updated over a week ago

To start a new Mileage Expense, tap on the 3 lines in the upper lefthand corner of the screen on the mobile app, or choose the "Expenses" tab from the website.

On the Expenses page, choose the plus sign in the upper righthand corner on mobile, or choose "Add Expense" from the website. Choose "Mileage" from the menu.

For destinations with just a starting address and a destination, or for a round trip, input the addresses, togging on "Round Trip" if the mileage is for a round trip, and choose Save. If your mileage is greater or less than the miles calculated, you may adjust the miles driven to accurately represent the distance.

If you need to add any additional stops along the way, tap "Add Stops".

Here you can input any additional stops you need to make. Note that you can always edit these addresses, and adjust the mileage, should your distance be greater or less than the miles calculated.

Title the Expense and when you are finished choose "Save".

Created: 13Sep2021 12.19

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