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Complete a transaction export

Learn how to export transactions to a .csv file

Anna Allen avatar
Written by Anna Allen
Updated over a week ago


This article explains how to complete an export of your corporate card transactions using the TravelBank platform.


This article applies to all TravelBank customers with a corporate card.


A transaction export includes only corporate card transactions, so you can use a transaction export to help you reconcile your corporate card statement. In contrast, an expense export includes all of your corporate card and personal/out of pocket expenses. Review the “Configure the columns for the export” section of this article to see what information is unique to transaction exports.

Complete a transaction export (TravelBank web app)

To complete a transaction export, take the following steps:

  1. Open the TravelBank web app at

  2. From the TravelBank left navigation menu, select “Manage” > “Transactions”.

  3. Select “Export” in the top-right corner of the page (see Figure 1). (Note: If you have applied filters on this page, the filters will be in effect for the transaction export.) This brings up an Export Transactions page where you can specify what data you want to export.

    Figure 1. Manage, Transactions page, with the export button in the top-right corner of the page outlined for emphasis

    Figure 1. Transactions page “Export” button

  4. Use the available filters to refine the data you want to export.

  5. Use the Column Configurations section to further refine the information you want to include about each transaction in your export.

  6. Once you’ve set up your transaction data for your export, complete the export by selecting “Export CSV” at the bottom of the page. This automatically downloads your export. (Note: If there are no transactions that meet the filters you set for the export, an error message appears. Reset your filters to include a wider range of transactions, and try your export again.)

Add filters for the export

In the Filters section, you can refine the data you want to export. If you applied filters on the Manage > Transactions page, those filters show up in the Filters section.

To add a filter, select an option from the filter’s dropdown options (see Figure 2).

Figure 2: Manage, Transactions page, with the Transaction Status filter highlighted and showing the field’s two dropdown options

Figure 2. Dropdown options for the Transaction Status filter

To remove a filter, or unselect a filter option, select the X to the right of the option after you’ve selected it (see Figure 3).

Figure 3: Manage, Transactions page; the Posted option in the Transaction Status filter field is currently selected. There is an X to the right of the selected option, which is circled to show that selecting the X removes the selected filter option.

Figure 3. Unselecting the selected option for the Transaction Status filter

The following filters are available to customize your transaction export.

  • Transaction status (required): Select Posted or Declined

  • Date range (required): Select the date range for the transactions you want to export. (Only transactions posted in the past three years are available for exporting. If you need older transactions, reach out to TravelBank support.)

  • Report status: Select Approved & Closed, Submitted, Active, or Unassigned

  • Department

  • Managing account

  • Cardholder

  • Expense category

  • Receipt status: Select Has Receipt or No Receipt

  • Expense assignee

  • Account minimum and account maximum

Configure the columns for the export

In the Column Configurations section, you can set how your filtered data appears in your export. You can rearrange the columns, as well as rename them so they display how you want them to in your export. Custom transaction fields are also available to be included in the export.

To include a column, check the column’s checkbox (see Figure 4).

Figure 4. Export Transactions page with a filters section on the left, and a column configurations section on the right side of the screen. A checkbox appears for each column configuration, and the boxes are checked and outlined for emphasis.

Figure 4. Select columns to include in transaction export

The following columns are available for configuration, as well as any custom columns your organization has created. (Note: Columns with an asterisk are available only in transaction exports, not expense exports.)

  • Account/GL Codes (External Account ID)

Note: Account/GL codes (External account ID) information was previously only available in expense exports. This information is now also available in transaction exports.

  • Amount (always in USD)

  • Approved by Finance Date

  • Approved by Manager Date

  • Billable

  • Card #*

  • Cardholder*

  • Current Approver Name

  • Current Approver Email

  • Department

  • Description Field

  • Disputed Status*

  • Disputed Status Date*

  • Expense Assignee*

  • Expense Assignee Email*

  • Expense Category

  • Expense Policy

  • Expense Report

  • Expense Report ID

  • Fx Information*

  • ID

  • Lost/Stolen account*

  • MCC*

  • MCC Description*

  • Merchant

  • Merchant City*

  • Merchant State*

  • Posted Date

  • Receipt

  • Report Comments

  • Report Status

  • Sales Tax*

  • Split Amount (FX)*

  • Split Amount (USD)*

  • Submitted Date

  • Transaction Date*

  • Transaction reference ID

  • Trip

  • Trip ID

Frequently asked questions

Need help?

If you need help, contact the TravelBank support team:

  • From the website or mobile app: Open the left navigation menu and select “Chat with us”.

Publish date: March 14, 2024

Last update: August 14, 2024

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