This article is part of the Commercial Rewards Card free plan guide or Commercial Rewards Card paid plan guide, or both. You can navigate back to each guide with the previous links and take the next onboarding steps.
Note: This content may also apply to general TravelBank users.
This article describes the various actions you can take on your Commercial Rewards Cards transactions.
This article applies to Commercial Rewards Card program administrators on a free plan or paid plan.
View transactions
Company Settings > Corporate Cards > Transactions Screen
Cardholder view of transactions
For information on how cardholders view their transactions, see the Commercial Rewards Card User Guide.
View transaction details
Learn how to view transactions for the cards in your program. It may take 2-4 days for the transactions to appear in TravelBank.
In the left navigation menu below "Manage" choose "Transactions".
If you manage multiple accounts, you may need to select that account first (to do so, select the account via the appropriate tab along the top of the screen).
The transaction list displays with the posted date, transaction date, cardholder name, last four digits of the card number, amount, merchant, category, expense report status and receipt status.
Click on a transaction in order to view the Transaction Detail. Click the X on the window or click off the window onto the grayed-out transaction list to close the Transaction detail window.
Figure 1. Transactions page
Filter Transactions
Figure 2. Transaction filter options
Filter the transaction list if desired using features at the top of the Transactions screen. Use the following filter options:
Transaction Status: Posted or Declined.
Date Range: Select the start and end date range to which you'd like to restrict your view.
Card Holder: Select a cardholder from the dropdown menu, or type in their name in the search field.
Expense Category: Filter by one expense category, select it from the dropdown menu, or search field.
Expense Report Status: Choose from the following options, Report Approved, Report Submitted, Report Active or Report Unassigned.
Receipt: Select either Has Receipt or No Receipt.
Department: Choose a department by which to filter from the dropdown menu.
Clicking "Apply" will update the Transactions to display results based only upon your selections. If no results appear, you may consider revising your filters.
Export transactions to .csv file
Missing transactions
Please allow 2-4 days for transactions to post. Only posted transactions will sync to TravelBank, check to ensure the transaction has posted, if it has, and it did not sync to TravelBank after the given timeframe, chat with TravelBank support, or send an email to: "". If possible, please include details which may aid in locating any missing transactions, such as card holder name, date, dollar amount, and merchant name of the transaction.
If a transaction is missing, contact customer service via chat or by emailing
View statements
Figure 3. Statements page
In the left navigation menu, click on "Statements".
On the statements page under "Managing Accounts" click "View Last Statement" to the right of the account for which you'd like to view the statement. This will display the statement from the most recent cycle date.
Selecting "View All" will display statements for up to the past 24 months. For statements older than 24 months, contact customer support via chat or email
From the Year menu, select the year.
Locate the statement date. Note: Cycle dates may vary due to weekends and bank holidays.
You can either choose "View" to see the statement on your screen, or choose "Download PDF" to save a copy to your computer.
Managing Account Statement
To view a managing account statement:
On the left menu, select Statements.
Select the Managing Accounts tab.
Locate the managing account and select View Last Statement to view the statement for a cycle date that just passed.
Select View All for a list of statements for up to the past 24 months. For statements older than 24 months, contact customer support via chat or email
From the Year menu, select the year.
Locate the statement date. Note that statement dates vary if the cycle date falls on a weekend or holiday.
Select View to see the statement on your screen. Select Download PDF to save or send the statement file.
Cardholder Account Statement
To view a cardholder account statement:
On the left menu, select Statements.
Select the Cardholder Accounts tab.
Locate the cardholder account and select View Last Statement to view the statement for a cycle date that just passed.
Select View All for a list of statements for up to the past 24 months. For statements older than 24 months, contact customer support via chat or email
From the Year menu, select the year.
Locate the statement date. Note that statement dates vary if the cycle date falls on a weekend or holiday.
Select View to see the statement on your screen. Select Download PDF to save or send the statement file.
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Publish date: January 17, 2025
Last update: NA