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Manage your organization’s Commercial Rewards Cards
Manage your organization’s Commercial Rewards Cards

Learn how to create, reissue, modify, or close a CRC card

Anna Allen avatar
Written by Anna Allen
Updated over a week ago

This article is part of the Commercial Rewards Card free plan guide or Commercial Rewards Card paid plan guide, or both. You can navigate back to each guide with the previous links and take the next onboarding steps.

Note: This content may also apply to general TravelBank users.


This article describes the various actions you can take on your organization’s Commercial Rewards Cards.


This article applies to Commercial Rewards Card program administrators on a free plan or paid plan.


You can take several actions on your organization’s Commercial Rewards Cards: creating cards, reissuing cards, modifying or closing cards, and assigning merchant category code (MCCs) controls to cards.

When your organization implements the Commercial Rewards Card program, the implementation team sets up your employees and cards in the system for you based on the information you provided. Based on your request, the cards are mailed to one person/location for distribution or to the address on the card account.

Card delivery options:

  • Mail all cards to a single person or location for distribution

  • Mail cards directly to the addresses on file for each account

Create a Commercial Rewards Card

  1. In the left navigation menu, select “Manage” > “Corporate Cards”.

  2. Select the blue "Create Card" button, located in the upper righthand corner.

  3. Determine the type of card you'd like to create, on the "Select Purpose" page:

    • Employee Card can be used by the employee to pay for airfare, supplies and other expenses for company use. This type of card is assigned to one cardholder and can be physical or virtual.

    • Vendor Card is a cardless account that is used for company-wide subscriptions or to pay other recurring charges.

  4. Next, choose the card type:

    • Physical Cards can easily be used for both in-person and online purchases.

    • Virtual Cards the user will not be sent a physical card, the user can access the card information for online purchases. Additionally, Virtual Cards can be added to mobile wallets for in-person use.

Enter the card details

  1. Click the Cardholder drop-down menu. Type the cardholder name and select it from the list. If the employee can't be found, ensure that they have been added to the employee directory and are active.

  2. Fill in the following information:

    • Legal First Name

    • Legal Middle Name (N/A when the user does not have a middle name)

    • Legal Last Name

    • Date of Birth

    • Employee ID: The employee ID is prefilled with the information from the employee directory.

    • Card Name: The Card Name field is prefilled with "Corporate Card", but it can be changed. Note: The name entered in the field will not print on the card.

  3. Select the Managing Account. All charges on this card will be displayed under the chosen Managing Account.

  4. Choosing a Preset from the dropdown menu is optional. Selecting a Preset will automatically complete the card limit and MCC (Merchant Category Code) Controls and Rules.

  5. Enter the card limit.

  6. Choose from the MCC Rules:

    • “Only Allow” means that transactions at the MCCs selected will be approved or authorized, and transactions at MCCs not included will be declined.

    • “Only Decline” means that transactions at the MCCs selected will decline, and transactions at all other MCCs will be approved or authorized.

  7. See the Assign MCC Controls section for more information.

  8. Choose up to 9 MCC Templates from the dropdown menu.

  9. Enter the Address. This will be the billing address of the card, and the mailing address* for physical cards. Note: If during initial setup the preference was set to have all cards sent to a specific individual/location.

  10. Scroll back to the top of the page and click the blue “Create Card” button.

  11. The cardholder will receive an automated email indicating that the card was created. If a physical card was chosen, they will receive it in the mail in 5-7 days; unless your configuration has cards sent to a specific individual or location.

  12. The newly created card will appear under Manage > Corporate Cards. Check the status of the card, if there is an error, resolve it so that the card can be created.

  13. Send the Commercial Rewards Cardholder User Guide link to the employee so that they may familiarize themselves with the system.

Reissue a card

If you need to reissue a card to someone because their existing card is damaged, please contact customer service via chat or by emailing

If a card has been lost, stolen, or has fraudulent charges please contact 800-344-5696 to report the activity, verify transactions on the account, and have a new card issued.

Modify or close a card

You can modify or close existing cards. Use this process to lock cards temporarily, change a credit limit, or update cardholder information.

  1. In the left sidebar, select “Corporate Cards.”

  2. If you manage multiple accounts, you may need to select that account first (to do so, select the account via the appropriate tab along the top of the screen).

  3. Choose the card from the list, you can also use the quick “Search” field, and you may search by cardholder name or account number. Then select the card you want to modify.

    • Sort using column headers, clicking will display ascending/descending.

    • Sort using filters, click the “Filter” button to filter by cardholder, assignee, bank, card type, status, or card limit (use a range of numbers to narrow your search).

  4. Select the card you want to modify.

  5. Card details open on the righthand side of the screen.

    • Locking the card, the card is unlocked by default. To temporarily lock the card, Toggling off "Card is Unlocked". Toggling the lock again will un-restrict.

    • To modify the card, scroll down and click the “Modify Card” button.

    • Closing the card, scroll down and click “Close Card” button.

    • Exiting the Card Details screen, click the X in the upper right-hand corner or click in the greyed out portion of the screen to the left.

  6. On the Modify Card screen, you can make changes to the Expense Assignee, adjust the card limit or Merchant Category Controls as needed. See the Assign MCC Controls section below for more information.

    • Credit limit changes: individual cards can have unique limits. You may want to increase a card limit when an employee is traveling or when they need to make a large purchase. Limit changes occur in real time.

    • Merchant Category Control changes: individual cards can use presets or have unique MCC controls. You may want to allow or block purchases at certain merchants using this functionality. If a card is being declined because of merchant controls, use this area of the system to unblock the necessary transaction. See the Assign MCC Controls section below for more information.

  7. To edit other details, such as the address, contact customer service via chat or email us at

  8. Click the “Save” button. Click “Cancel” if you don’t want to make any changes.

Assign MCC controls

You can assign Merchant Category Code (MCC) Controls to cards when you create or modify them. (See the videos above for demonstrations of these processes). MCC Templates contain similar merchant types, you can choose up to 9. Adding MCC Controls are optional. MCC Controls do not need to be set to create a card.

The Learn More link in the system provides more information about MCC Controls.

In the MCC Controls, select either "Only Allow" or "Only Decline" to control the card's behavior. Then, choose up to 9 templates to either only allow or only decline.

The Rule Menu allows you to select whether to allow or decline the Merchant Category Codes, choose one of the following:

  • Only Allow only transactions where the MCC matches the selection will be allowed. All other MCCs will be declined. This is the more restrictive control. Consider the first example below, anything that does not have an MCC for "Airlines" or "Hotels" will be declined. Some Merchant Category Codes are restricted and automatically set to decline on all cards. Corporate cards are typically set up to decline transactions at certain merchants because the purchases at these merchants tend to be either fraudulent or for personal use rather than business use. You can contact the bank if you have questions about these restrictions.

  • Only Decline only transactions where the MCC matches the selection will be declined. Transactions where the MCC was not selected will be authorized. If you choose Only Decline, you can choose to make exceptions to allow purchases at some MCCs. Some Merchant Category Codes are restricted and automatically set to decline on all cards. Corporate cards are typically set up to decline transactions at certain merchants because the purchases at these merchants tend to be either fraudulent or for personal use rather than business use. You can contact the bank if you have questions about these restrictions.

Some Merchant Category Codes are restricted and automatically set to decline on all cards. Corporate cards are typically set up to decline transactions at certain merchants because the purchases at these merchants tend to be either fraudulent or for personal use rather than business use. You can contact the bank if you have questions about these restrictions.

From the MCC (Merchant Category Code) Templates menu, select the MCC templates at which the card transactions should approve or decline.

  • Click to open the drop-down menu for MCC (Merchant Category Code) Templates.

  • Click on a template to select it. You can select up to 9.

You can save the card limit and MCC Controls as a preset to be able to apply them easily to other cards. To do this, click “Save as Preset.” Then type a name for the preset and click “Save.”

After you have saved a preset, it will be available in the future. All the selections such as card limit and MCC options are saved, and selecting the Preset applies those selections to a new card, or a card you edit.


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Publish date: NA

Last update: January 15, 2025

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