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Attach multiple receipts to an expense
Attach multiple receipts to an expense

Learn how to attach multiple receipts to one expense

Anna Allen avatar
Written by Anna Allen
Updated over 3 weeks ago


This article explains how to attach multiple receipts to an expense.


This article is directed toward all TravelBank users.


The TravelBank multiple receipts feature allows you to attach more than one receipt to each expense.

Known limitations

  • The ability to bulk delete attachments currently exists for Android but not for iOS or web.

  • The ability to reorder attachments does not currently exist. To reorder attachments, delete your attachments and reupload them in the desired order.

Attach multiple receipts using the TravelBank website

You can attach multiple receipts to an expense by (1) creating an expense and then adding receipts to the expense, or (2) uploading multiple receipts and creating an expense automatically from the receipts.

Create an expense and then add receipts to the expense

  1. Select a file, or up to ten files at a time (see Figure 1), to add to your expense.

    Figure 1. Add Photo Receipt choose files screen showing three files selected for upload

    Figure 1. Select and upload multiple files at once to your expense

  2. Open the expense by selecting it from the Expenses & Transactions page.

  3. If you’ve already added a receipt to the expense, select “Add More” (see Figure 2) at the bottom-right corner of the Expense Details page. This brings up a file explorer window for you to select another attachment.

    Figure 2. “Add More” button, outlined for emphasis, on the bottom-right corner of the Expense Details page

    Figure 2. “Add More” button on the Expense Details page

  4. The number of attachments shown beneath the attachment preview window updates (see Figure 3) with each upload. You can now scroll right and left to see each attachment.

    Figure 3. Attachment preview window with the number of attachments below the window and left-right arrows on either side of the numbers

    Figure 3. Number of expense attachments and left-right arrows for navigating between them

    Note that you can add up to 10 attachments with a limit of 20 MB for each attachment, and within those attachments, you can have multiple pages. If you select a file for upload that is over the 20 MB limit, an error message appears.

  5. Select “Add More” again to add additional attachments as needed. Or, alternatively, once you have uploaded one receipt attachment, if you select the receipt preview, a full-screen receipt preview page appears. The full-screen preview page shows an “Add More” button, as well as a “Delete Receipt” button and “Download PDF” button (see Figure 4).

Figure 4. Full-screen receipt attachment preview window with “Delete Receipt” button at the bottom-left of the screen and “Add More” and “Download PDF” buttons at the bottom-right of the screen

Figure 4. Full-screen receipt attachment preview

Create an expense automatically from your receipts

  1. Select “Expenses & Transactions” from the TravelBank left navigation menu.

  2. Select “Add” in the top-right corner of the page. This brings up an Add Expense sidebar (see Figure 5).

    Figure 5. Add expense sidebar, which appears on the right side of the expenses and transactions page; includes a quickscan section where you can drag and drop receipts or click anywhere to choose files for upload

    Figure 5. Add Expense sidebar

  3. Add up to ten receipt files:

    1. Drag and drop the files into the “Add Receipts” area, or

    2. Click anywhere within the “Add Receipts” box to select files from your file explorer.

  4. Once the receipts are uploaded, select whether you want to assign each receipt to its own expense or assign all receipts to one expense (see Figure 6). “Keep Separate” is selected by default.

    Figure 6. Add expense sidebar showing “keep separate” and “combine” options when uploading receipt files

    Figure 6. “Keep Separate” or “Combine” options when uploading receipt files

  5. Select “Add”. The receipts now scan in the background, and you can close the Add Expense sidebar as you wait (select “Close” or the X at the top-right corner of the sidebar; see Figure 7). A notification appears when the receipts are finished scanning (see Figure 8).

    Figure 7. Add expense sidebar, after you’ve selected your receipt files for upload. Text states: Hold tight! We’re scanning your receipts…This will continue in the background. Feel free to close this page.

    Figure 7. Scanning receipts message

    Figure 8. Notification that receipts have finished scanning, reading: Success! We added 1 expense. You can view and edit your autocompleted expenses on your home screen. There are buttons to “add more” and “close”

    Figure 8. Notification that receipts have finished scanning

  6. From there, you can add more receipts, or close out the sidebar if you haven’t already.

  7. The expense has now been created for you based on the receipt files you uploaded. Open the expense by selecting it, and add in any information that wasn’t automatically uploaded during scanning (see Figure 9).

Figure 9. Expense details page for the expense added from the uploaded receipts; shows several fields automatically completed and some fields that the user needs to complete manually

Figure 9. Expense Details page for expense added from receipts

Delete a receipt

To delete a receipt from your expense, select the receipt preview window and then select “Delete Receipt” as shown in Figure 4.

Download a pdf of a receipt

To download a pdf of your receipt from your expense, select the receipt preview window and then select “Download PDF” as shown in Figure 4.

Add a receipt through the mobile app

The multiple receipts flow is the same on the TravelBank mobile app (both iOS and Android) as on the web version. On the mobile app you can add receipts by selecting from your camera roll, snapping a new photo, or uploading an existing file (for instance, a pdf). Like in the web version, you can also add multiple receipts to a single expense. See Figure 10 for examples of adding receipts through the mobile app.

Figure 10. Two side-by-side images of mobile app screens; the left shows the Expenses and Transactions page and the Add Receipts options and the right shows receipt selections in a mobile photo library

Figure 10. Adding receipts through the TravelBank mobile app

Delete receipts in bulk (Android)

To delete receipts in bulk on your Android device, take the following steps:

  1. Open the Expenses & Transactions page and select the expense you’d like to delete receipts from.

  2. Select “Receipt” in the top-right corner to open the receipts for the expense.

  3. Select “Delete” at the bottom-left corner of the screen. This brings up options to delete one file or bulk delete (see Figure 11).

  4. Select “Bulk Delete” and then select the files you want to bulk delete.

  5. Select “Delete” at the bottom of the screen, and then confirm the action by selecting “Delete” again.

Figure 11. Android screen showing “Delete File” and “Bulk Delete” options for receipt files

Figure 11. Bulk Delete option

Figure 12. Bulk delete confirmation screen showing “Delete 3 attachments? This action will permanently delete the 3 selected attachments.” and “Cancel” and “Delete” buttons

Figure 12. Bulk delete confirmation

Need help?

If you need help, contact the TravelBank support team:

  • From the website or mobile app: Open the left navigation menu and select “Chat with us”.

Publish date: November 17, 2023

Last update: April 20, 2024

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