The IRS announces the reimbursement rate for miles driven in December. The rate can fluctuate up or down. You can set your own, or revert back to the default IRS Rate.
After logging in, navigate in the sidebar:
Company Settings > Expenses > Expense Policy > Default Policy
Note: If you have created custom Expense Policies, they can have their own rates, and you can set these rates separately from the Default Policy.
Choose "Edit" to the right of "General Rules". This brings up the policy details (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Default policy details page
Choose "Custom" and you can use your own Mileage Reimbursement Rate. Click "Save" to set the changes.
If you set mileage reimbursement outside the default policy the rate will only affect the employees you assign to that custom-built policy.
Need help?
If you need help, contact the TravelBank support team:
From the website or mobile app: Open the TravelBank left navigation menu and select “Chat with us”.
Publish date: December 28, 2020
Last update: January 2, 2025